A few days ago I returned from two weeks at the Sewanee Writers Conference. And now I'm sitting, trying to figure out how to capture what those two weeks were like. They were exhausting and exhilarating and terrifying and wonderful. I made some amazing writer friends, whom I'm very worried I won't see again. And I learned so, so much about writing from my peers and my workshop leaders, Christine Schutt and Tim O'Brien.
I went to the writing conference at Bread Loaf a few years ago, and it was definitely impressive, but Sewanee was a much more positive experience for me, both professionally and personally. I'm a bit overeager to have that feeling, to capture those two weeks, again. But I have to remind myself that it wasn't real life. In real life, there's just writing.
I went to the writing conference at Bread Loaf a few years ago, and it was definitely impressive, but Sewanee was a much more positive experience for me, both professionally and personally. I'm a bit overeager to have that feeling, to capture those two weeks, again. But I have to remind myself that it wasn't real life. In real life, there's just writing.